Digital Citizenship

After learning a few statitistics about the digital world, I wasn’t really surprised by the facts. I know how much my friends and I use digital objects everyday. I personal use texting the most to communicate with my friends, but I do use Pandora and social media sites regularly as well. Living in a digital world can make life easier. Keeping in touch with friends and family that live far away is simpler, but it can also put up a barrier for people that live closer. Sometimes you get too involved talking via text that you don’t know how to act around someone in person.

Your digital footprint is created whenever you post anything online. Once you put it there, it’s permenately out on the web, even if you delete it. Especially as a senior, I’ve started to look over my online profiles to see if there’s anything colleges might not approve of.  It is important to maintain a positive image online so that you don’t regret anything later on.

Cyberbullying, or online cruelty, is common now days because so many kids spend a majority of their time online. If nothing is done to stop it, it can often escalate to threatening, which is then illegal.

First Week At School

My first week back at school has been bittersweet. This is my last year in high school so I’m excited and scared. I have a few difficult classes, but the rest of my day is pretty relaxed. It’s been nice to catch up with all my friends again and find out what they’ve been up to. Also, tonight is the first football game of the season and as a twirler, I’m excited for it.