Neely Crenshaw goes through a major change in this novel. He blamed himself and Eddie Rake for the way his life turned out; for his injury. This controls his life for a while, but he begins to understand things more. He finds that he may be able to forgive himself and Rake for everything that has happened. Him and Rake have always went head to head since the game of ’87, but they both have to move on. Rake dies however, leaving the decision up to Neely. He can either choose to live in the past, or he can move forward and have a better life. Crenshaw had to decide what he wanted to do after his injury as well. He had always been a cocky and careless boy with the world laid before his feet, but now he was faced the the cruel reality that he could no longer play football. This had been his life for so long, but he had to grow up and find some other purpose in the world.